AndreMor (talk) 19:11, 2 April 2021 (UTC)
- Content mod application, WWD reached level 3 and new Twitter!
Hello again guys! The wiki has been so inactive that we have decided to make an application for the 3 minor ranges on the wiki, which would be Rollback, content mod and thread mod. While the admins here still make their effort to keep the community alive, we need help to stop all those trolls coming to annoy and ruin our community.
You wonder how you can apply to be a staff of our wiki?
First, you need to have Discord, the applications are made live with the administrators, so we can ask you additional questions to what comes with the application.
Join Wow Wow Discord, verify yourself (you may need an email verified by Discord), wait 10 minutes and finally, go to #ticket and react with the correct reaction.
I hope we have a solid staff with this application.
Another thing we want to tell you is that WWD, which has now become an important part of us, reached level 3 of Server Boosting! And all thanks to SuKanzoo, who has put his money to enjoy the benefits for 1 month, such as +240 fully customized Wubbzy emojis, high voice quality, a server banner and a custom (vanity) URL!
If you want to continue the adventure with us, join now: https://discord.gg/fWP7a6J
If you reach level 2 you will have benefits such as access to #wubbzy_media, the server core.
Lastly, the community now has Twitter! After some discussions with NeonBluu, the member who wanted this, we decided to open said Twitter, albeit with a specific topic, Wubbzy Wednesday. This encourages us to relive 1 more year of Wubbzy Wednesdays, so hopefully we have more ideas for all of you.
Here's the Twitter: https://twitter.com/WubbzyWednesday
If you have any questions about the wiki, you can easily contact us on the Message Wall, and if you have Discord, you can create a ticket with us.
Have a nice day!
--SuKanzoo (talk) 00:39, August 28, 2020 (UTC)

- Happy 14th birthday, Wubbzy!!
Everyone in Wow Wow Discord is all hyped for Wubbzy's birthday this year! Remember when I said that the server's gotten bigger on last year's birthday post? Well, now it's more of the same! It has continued getting even bigger and better! It reached level 2 at a couple points, there have been unique Wubbzy Wednesday posts since its revival, and there are currently nearly hundreds of emotes! Yes, you read that right: Nearly hundreds, with an 's'! 199 to be exact. There is a special 200th emote in the works to celebrate this occasion. What is it, you may ask? It will be revealed later today. We hope you like it!
As much as I also want to tell the status of this wiki, however, I haven't been active on it much. Other admins have been watching over it for me and I've been working on two other wikis, including one, that I made, about a Flash game that will possibly shut down after this year because of its run engine's End of Life. It's not that I've kinda moved on, but the things that I'm best interested in filling the wiki with have been filled already, so there's little for me to do anymore. There are still pictures for me to take, but sadly, I'm having technical problems with getting them in 1080p without help. That, and I've used up most of my energy by taking pictures for my own wiki. That's not to say that I'm relinquishing my power here because there are still some things that I come back to add every now and then, like the front and back covers of the DVD bundled version of School Surprise I managed to get a while ago, as well as more pictures of the packaged Electronic Handheld Game recently.
As you've noticed, I've had a heavy focus on the Wubbzy merchandise when I've been a lot more active here. With all that I've learned from them, those became like a safe zone for coming up with more topics for Wubbzy Wednesday. The majority of my topics had to do with them. There was a lot of material to come up with and people were amused by them, and that makes me proud! Unfortunately, even with the merch topics, we're running out of ammo by now. There aren't a lot of unique enough topics left for us to talk about. I can't expect this to last forever, but if you have any ideas we can use, feel free to tell us. Otherwise, we may have to start reposting topics.
Please join our Discord server to keep making its fun go up!
Special thanks to our mods and admins for making our population possible, Double W (Wubbzy! Wow!) for the animated WubbzyFun emote, and to all of you for making Wubbzy's legacy live on in our hearts! Thank you, and happy birthday to our favorite yellow friend! :WubbzyLove:
--AndreMor (talk) 04:58, January 7, 2020 (UTC)
- We have revived Wubbzy Wednesdays!
I know that we are just beginning to do this, but let's get to the point! Remember when the official Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! Facebook page uploaded an image of the series and said "It's Wubbzy Wednesday"? Fans who follow the page know about this, and also know that the last official publication of Wubbzy Wednesday was in November 2013, leaving the page completely alone.
We wanted to expand the way Wubbzy Wednesdays are done, this time telling you trivia and interesting things about the series. As the goal of the Wubbzypedia staff is to preserve the series over time, we wanted to relive that moment, so that all fans can talk about the series and learn more about Wubbzy with the things we will tell in each post.
You may be wondering, where will we do Wubbzy Wednesdays? Well, we'll do it in one of the Wubbzypedia family members, that's right, Wow Wow Discord. We will have a special channel where our staff will publish Wubbzy interesting things on Wednesday, and the channel will open to be able to chat about the series and also of the given publication. Sounds interesting, doesn't it? We hope that all of you like this idea, since you will feel as if the series is still in maintenance of the official team.
The #wubbzy_wednesday channel will be the one that maintains publications and conversations, and will only be active on Wednesdays.
Join Wow Wow Discord here: https://discord.gg/fWP7a6J .
And here the news ends, have a good day, enjoy the chat on Wow Wow Discord and the articles here on Wubbzypedia!
See you soon!
--SuKanzoo (talk) 23:41, August 28, 2019 (UTC)
- Happy 13th birthday, Wubbzy!!
I apologize for the late birthday article. Since I'm past celebrating the character anniversaries, I've been trying to move on with writing something important to help me write my upcoming story series. It's pretty complicated and I'm having a rough time ATM. Hopefully I'll push through and ASAP.
But enough about me. Let's talk about the wiki. Lately, more HD images have been getting added by other people who are great friends on Discord! I'm really happy to see that something so important to the website is getting worked on by amazing Wubbzy fans! Thank you all so much! But much more noticeably, it's been drastically redesigned by the site's recent new mod, AndreMor! There are now new backgrounds, a new cursor, new features, new visuals, new badges for when you edit the image galleries, etc.! I'm really stunned with what he has done with the wiki and I couldn't be any more impressed! A super special thanks to AndreMor!!
As a footnote, I became the bureaucrat of the sister wiki, The Wubb Club! I really wanted to make a new wordmark, banner, background, and favicon for it, and that's just what I did!
But that's not all! The Discord server, Wow Wow Discord, has gotten bigger and better than ever! Not so long ago, I've made a large number of emotes, a few animated ones, and remade a few existing ones for the server. Furthermore, Thevideogameguy22 and I have gotten Discord Nitro and boosted the server, putting it at level 1! Perks have been added and all 100 emote slots have been filled! Although I'm proud of them, I do have some debate on keeping at least a couple of them, but we'll leave them alone for now and see how well they'll hang on. There's a lot of good and fun emotes to use, like WubbzyLove, WubbzyHype, MrFloppy (which I first thought was Mr. Fluffy), a three-part Kooky, a four-part GiantTiny, and various animals. There's even emotes of the letters 'W' and 'O', and an '!' to make 'WOW!'. Join the server if you want to play with these emotes, talk about Wubbzy, and of course, chat!
See you later (or on Discord), and once again, happy birthday, Wubbzy!! <3 <3 <3
--SuKanzoo (talk) 20:46, April 27, 2019 (UTC)

Shimmer and Sparkle plushies, custom made by Budsies!
It's the Wubb Girlz' time to party! It's been 10 years since they've first appeared on TV, with the original format being the standalone episodes, Wubb Girlz Rule and Wuzzleburg Idol on April 27th, 2009. This is my big birthday present to them: Made by Budsies, I have ordered custom plushies of both Shimmer and Sparkle! The full post and image size can be found here: https://www.deviantart.com/kandoo4/art/Shimmer-and-Sparkle-as-Budsies-795455405 With the existing Shine plush, the trio is back together again! And that's not all! I also took extended pictures of the song, Sing a Song!
As for me and the website, it's been pretty slow lately. As much as I want to keep working on the big things, I want to start writing my own story series pretty soon. I will keep doing some more little things around here and maybe help some other wiki sites as well. If you want to chat with any Wubbzy fans that are still around and party for the Wubb Girlz, feel free to join the Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! Discord channel: https://discord.gg/q6MWr46 (Not targeted for children) Come on everyone, let's sing along!!