
Wubbzy the Hero is a Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! episode from season two.

Characters Present[]


Wubbzy's new friend Chumley is a dinosaur. When Wubbzy rescues Chumley as they play together, the whole town thinks that Wubbzy saved them from a dangerous dinosaur! Wubbzy goes along with them calling him a hero at first, but when Chumley returns with his dinosaur friends, Wubbzy ends up facing the truth.


Wubbzy and Daizy are playing with their new dinosaur friend Chumley, a Crusty Cragasaurus, out on the front yard. When they stomp and roar, Widget and Walden overhear it and become concerned, thinking that Wubbzy and Daizy are in trouble, and so rush to get the police and the fire department. Chumley and Wubbzy have a race back to Dino Island as he needs to get home. Widget and Walden as well as the squad see this and believe Wubbzy is getting rid of Chumley.

As a result, Wubbzy is considered a hero for saving Wuzzleburg and Mayor Whoozle declares it "Wubbzy Day". Wubbzy tries explaining, but is astonished when he gets a cake, the key to the city, and Widget and Walden start working on a statue that honors him. When Daizy hears the story, she tries to talk to Wubbzy, but he says that he's having too much fun to tell the truth.

At the Wubb Club, Widget and Walden spot Chumley coming back with his friends. They rush back to the ceremony to tell Wubbzy to chase them off, also giving him knight armor. Wubbzy chases Chumley and his friends away, disguising it to the Cragasauruses as a "game" to secretly keep his hero identity. Afterwards, Wubbzy falls in a big hole after getting his face covered. Chumley rushes to rescue him by using his neck to get him out, but Widget, Walden, and the Wuzzleburg citizens order him to put Wubbzy down. Chumley reveals that Wubbzy's his friend, leaving Wubbzy no choice but to confess that he's not a hero and Chumley is his friend, not a monster. Widget and Walden cancel Wubbzy's statue, but Wubbzy gets the idea to make a hero statue of Chumley, as well as his own hero cake.

Post-Show Skit[]

The short "Fossil Fools" is played.

Jukebox Robot[]

For the music video, The song "Robot Dance" plays.


See: Wubbzy the Hero/Transcript

Name in other languages[]

  • German: Wubbzy, der Held
  • Portuguese (Brazil): Wubbzy o Herói
  • Portuguese (Portugal): Wubbzy o Herói
  • Spanish (Latin America): Wubbzy el Héroe
  • Spanish (Spain): Wubbzy el Héroe


  • Moral: Speak up for yourself and tell the truth.
  • This episode and Once Upon a Wubbzy are available for free on digital download platforms.