
Wubbzy Tells a Whopper is a Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! episode from season one.

Characters Present[]


Wubbzy accidentally breaks Widget's whammer hammer, but doesn't tell Widget so they can remain friends. When Wubbzy makes up a story about a Growlygus stealing it, the lie leads to a citywide panic.


The episode begins with Wubbzy at Widget's workshop, eager to play a game of kickety-kickball with Widget. She tells Wubbzy that she has to clean herself up, leaving Wubbzy alone in the workshop. Although Wubbzy promised her that he wouldn’t play ball, he finds a loophole: using Widget’s workshop as a kickety-kickball obstacle course. The course starts out as normal, when the ball causes a trashcan to roll around, creating a big mess. This all culminates when the ball hits a stray whammer-hammer, knocking it off the table and breaking the hammer in half. Wubbzy attempts to piece it back together, but to no avail. Wanting to keep his friendship with Widget, he hides the hammer into a drawer. When Widget comes back to find the mess, Wubbzy makes up a lie; a Growlygus had broken in and took her whammer-hammer. Wubbzy, hiding the fact he doesn’t feel brave, claimed he was otherwise by stating he scared him away. Widget believes him and invites him to help catch the Growlygus. Wubbzy realizes she believed the lie too well, but has no choice but to go along with it.

They go to Walden's house, where Walden looks online for a picture of the Growlygus. As expected, he can't find any, so Walden asks Wubbzy to describe the monster to him so he can draw it. Wubbzy claims the monster has ‘long claws’, and ‘giant yellow fangs’, among other things. He gets frightened when Walden shows him the completed drawing, but plays it off. Wubbzy tries to leave the situation by claiming he should guard Widget’s workshop, but since Wubbzy scared off the monster, they want him to help stop it.

While looking for the monster, they spot a police officer. They ask him if they have seen the Growlygus. The police officer brushes off their question, but when he sees the picture that Walden drew, he gets frightened and runs off, screaming about the rogue Growlygus. Word spreads around town, and the supposed sighting ends up in the news. Wubbzy feels guilty that his lie snowballed. He wants to tell Widget the truth, but he’s afraid that Widget would stop being friends with him.

As they search for the monster on top of Mt. Zubba Bubba, Wubbzy pretends he is a Growlygus to scare his friends away, so he could run off and fix the whammer-hammer. He scares off a police officer, but his facade doesn’t deter his friends. Wubbzy then hides in a caves and growls, until he hears growling within the cave. Believing it is a real Growlygus, he runs away, bumping into his friends in the process. When his friends see the discrepancies in Wubbzy’s lie, they want the truth from him. Wubbzy then mournfully explains the truth: he broke the whammer-hammer ignoring Widget’s rules. Afraid that Widget would stop being friends with him, he made up a story about the Growlygus stealing the hammer. Wubbzy proclaims that he’s not brave, and walks away. Widget and Walden then teach him that he is still brave, because he told the truth, and that they’d still be friends, no matter what Wubbzy does.

At the end, Widget fixes her whammer-hammer, showing Wubbzy it wasn’t a big deal that he broke it. She goes to work on an invention when Wubbzy wails. He claims the Growlygus returned and stole her whammer-hammer. This time though, the Growlygus is real. Scared, Wubbzy and Widget run away from him. The Growlygus, now confused, says he only wanted to borrow the hammer.


See: Wubbzy Tells a Whopper/Transcript


  • News Reporter: Am I on? (clears his throat) It's pandemonium on the streets of downtown Wuzzleburg. Panic is-
  • Police Officer: (runs by) The Growlygus is coming! The Growlygus is coming! (the reporter runs off screaming in a high pitched voice)

Post-Show Skit[]

The song, "Don't Lie", is played.

Name in other languages[]

  • French: Le Gros Mensonge de Wubbzy ("Wubbzy's Big Lie")
  • German: Der unheimliche Grollozahn
  • Spanish (Latin America): Wubbzy dice una mentira ("Wubbzy says a lie")
  • Spanish (Spain): Wubbzy cuenta una mentira (Wubbzy tells a lie")
  • Portuguese (Brazil): A mentira ("The lie")
  • Portuguese (Portugal): O Wubbzy diz uma mentira


  • Moral: Always tell the truth. It's never okay to lie, because it will only make the situation worse.
  • The computer at Walden's desk looks similar to the iMac G4.
  • Chef Fritz's hair can briefly be seen while the police officer is running in a scream.
  • This episode along with its sister episode did not aired on the Nick Jr. block on Nickelodeon. Besides the final five episodes of season 2 which premiered on the Nick Jr. channel, the only other episode to not air on the block was Wubbzy Bounces Back!/Dash for Dolly.
  • Goof: On Noggin/Nick Jr. airings of this episode along with its sister episode, the yellow colors looked a bit pale (noticeably Wubbzy himself being pale), mainly due to compression issues, this first happened in airings of Wubbzy Bounces Back!/Dash for Dolly and will later happen again The Snow Shoo Shoo/Pirate Treasure and The Grass is Always Plaider/Everything's Coming Up Wubbzy.
    • However on DVD prints and widescreen prints of this episode, the colors have been fixed.