Wubb Games (wubbgames.com) was a sister website of the main Wubbzy website, wubbzy.com. This is where you can play six of its own online games that feature Wubbzy. However, five of them can't be played unless you have Wubb Codes to unlock them. The codes can only be found in certain Wubbzy merchandise.
When you enter the website, Wubbzy will greet you and ask if you have a Wubb Code, and give you the options "Yes" and "No". If you click "No", Wubbzy will direct you to the only game you can play without a code: Sketchity Sketch Pad. If you click "Yes", a screen will appear where you may enter your Wubb Code. The codes are:
There are six different pages of games. Each game includes a coloring printable and a song from the show to play. Hovering the cursor over the games' icons reveals the name of the merch that has the Wubb Code to unlock them, except for Kooky Kostume Kreator and Sketchity Sketch Pad which display the names of their games.
Kooky Kostume Kreator[]
- Code to unlock: Any
- Merchandise to get code: None
- Song: Pet Party
Wacky Wubb Hunt[]
- Code to unlock: WACKY88
- Merchandise with code: Wacky Wubbzy
- Song: That's What Friends Are For
Sketchity Sketch Pad[]
- Code to unlock: None
- Merchandise with code: None
- Song: Made By You (Make It Yourself)
Kickety Kick Ball Bounce Out![]
- Code to unlock: DIGIWUB9
- Merchandise with code: Digi-Wubbzy
- Song: Don't Lie
Disco Dancin' Wubbzy[]
- Code to unlock: DISCO49
- Merchandise with code: Disco Dancin' Wubbzy
- Song: Imagine
Wuzzleburg Stack-ums[]
- Code to unlock: STACKY22
- Merchandise with code: Kooky Kollectibles (2008 package only)
- Song: Look, Don't Touch
You can click on "Visit Us! wubbzy.com" to go to Wubbzy's main website (which is no longer active), the mailbox to send an email of Wubb Games to your friends, or "PARENTS" that will open up a page showing the merchandise that contain the Wubb Codes along with links to go where to buy them on fisher-price.com. However, the Wubbzy merch there are no longer available.
On December 9, 2017, the domain expired and is no longer owned by Starz/Bolder Media/Fisher Price. As of now, the wubbgames.com domain is for sale.
Dead Links[]
All games from the website have been reuploaded by Hudsun28Studios: https://www.deviantart.com/hudsun28studios/gallery/
Working Links[]
A complete replica of the site can be found here: https://archive.wubbworld.xyz/wubbgames/ A browser with Flash Player is required.
Source code: https://github.com/AndreMor8/wubbzy-sites/tree/master/wubbgames https://www.mediafire.com/file/6jhgnmmo9rwxhf7/www.wubbgames.com.rar/file
- When the cursor hovers over Wubbzy's treehouse door, it will open and the monkey inside will peek out at you.
- Once the player has unlocked to all six games and reenters the website, Wubbzy will greet you and a random game page will open.
- There are also Wubb Codes from the Soapity Suds Wubbzy, Swirly Twirly Daizy and Kooky Kostumes toys. They're likely the same ones listed above.
- Within the code of the site, you can find the "Wubb Master Codes" that unlock all the games on the site. The codes are:
- DAIZ99
- Inside Wubbzy's house, the background is transparent, being that of Wuzzleburg.
- The right-hand background tree is elevated from the ground.
- A pink rabbit (not to be confused with Widget) is running on its level.
- The printables misspell Bolder Media as "Boulder Media".