
Widget is a pink-colored mechanical whiz who owns her own fix-it-shop and is always ready to jump in and lend a hand.

Widget's solution to any problem is to build something large and complicated (which sometimes doesn't work as intended). Her favorite tool is a wiggle-wrench, a tool designed to adjust large pentagonal bolts.

When Widget sees a problem she can solve, she says "No problemo!" and either introduces her friends to a machine she designed for just such a situation, or sets to work building a new invention.

However, Widget's machines sometimes malfunction, most of the time catastrophically, and whenever that happens, she says, "That's not supposed to happen," or, "That wasn't supposed to happen." She wears pink overalls with a pink heart and a white undershirt. While she does take glances at the camera, she does not talk to the audience.


Widget appears to be a go-do-it-now type of person. She will do anything to help her friends and is very considerate. She often calls Wubbzy 'little buddy', considering that she is similar to a mother or big sister figure to Wubbzy.

Widget doesn't give up and makes sure everything is fine. Her favorite saying is "No problemo!" When things don't go right, she normally says "Oops, that's not supposed to happen." or "Pickles and prune juice!". She speaks with a southern accent. She is a mechanic whiz and loves to invent and build things, she can make a machine to solve any problem or do virtually any task. Many of her creations take the form of robots, and all of her inventions are always named X 3000. Some of her inventions do not actually have any practical purpose, such as the Robo-Cluck 3000, a giant robotic chicken that lays one hundred eggs a minute.


Widget is considerate, creative, optimistic, confident, intelligent, and has a proactive personality. She is very helpful, always building new machines to help her friends.


Widget is light pink and has floppy rabbit ears. She has black eyes and a white undershirt and hot-pink overalls with a heart. She is usually wearing her light gray gloves which match the color of the buttons on her overalls.


Widget has appeared in most of the episodes of Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!. Her first appearance was in A Tale of Tails. Her final appearance was in Woozy Walden.

The only indication that Widget has relatives is seen in the episode Once Upon a Wubbzy when Widget says that her cousin Ratchet sent her the pickleberry bush.


  • It is unknown if Widget has parents or not, and not much of her family is explored either, or how she is able to live on her own.
  • In the United Kingdom, Widget speaks with a Westcountry accent.
  • Widget has been seen without her gloves in That's What Friends Are For in the Halloween scene and Me and My Friends in the baseball scene.
  • Widget is the first of the main characters to catch a disease, which happened in Widget Gets the Blooey Blues.
  • Widget's prototype design shows her wearing purple overalls instead of pink ones, and she looks a bit skinnier than usual.
  • As with every other character, Widget's age has never been confirmed. However, she lives alone, is quite tall, and has advanced knowledge in inventing and building things, suggesting that, like Walden, she is at the very least a young adult.
  • For some inventions that Widget makes, she always uses the number "3000".
  • Widget was originally named Flopsy.


Widget's Inventions

Season 1

Wubbzy's Big Movie!

Season 2



Wubbzy's Christmas