Wubblog archive of April 2008

April 07, 2008 - An Animatic[]

\Look what I found! I found an animatic today. An animatic is a stage in the production process between storyboarding and animation. It's usually extremely limited, and often, it's just the frames of the storyboard put into video format. It gives the animators an idea of placement and timing. You'll see it's very rough, and actions and dialogue are actually written write on the screen. When I see something more final, I'll post that, as well, so you can compare and contrast.

Download anim.mov

April 14, 2008 - Wubbzy Phone Home[]

Check it out! My buddy Douglas sent me a great link to a website that is completely devoted to iPhone wallpaper. It turns out that someone has created a Wubbzy iPhone wallpaper and it was featured on their website. Thanks for the tip Douglas! - Carrie
