
The Grass is Always Plaider is a Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! episode from season one.

Characters Present[]


Wubbzy, Widget, and Walden visit Plaidville when they find Wuzzleburg boring.


Wubbzy, Widget and Walden get bored with their favorite things and Wuzzleburg itself. A man from Plaidville drives up and tells them about Plaidville, so the three friends decide to visit Plaidville. But Plaidville starts boring them even more, with the same things to do every day. When all the Plaidville residents find how "cool" it is to be a different color, Wubbzy, Widget, and Walden decide that Wuzzleburg is an exciting place after all.


See: The Grass is Always Plaider/Transcript


Coming soon!

Post-Show Skit[]

The short, "The Great Hat", is played.

Name in other languages[]

  • French: a La Découverte de ses Voisins
  • German: Zu hause ist es am schönsten
  • Spanish (Latin America): Mi Ciudad es Especial
  • Spanish (Spain): A cuadros
  • Portuguese (Brazil): Uma Visita á Xadrezlândia
  • Portuguese (Portugal): Uma visita a vila quadrados
  • Turkish: Çimen her zaman ekosedir


  • Moral: As the title indicates, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
  • The name of this episode is a parody of the phrase "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence."
  • This is the first episode to air in 2007.
  • When Wubbzy and friends go back to Wuzzleburg, they leave the plaid stuff they bought behind, even though they could have brought them home as souvenirs.
  • This is the only episode Plaidville appears instead of Yum! Yum! Restaurant.
  • When Wubbzy, Widget and Walden were driving around Plaidville when they first got there, one of the residents looked like Pink Girl but plaid instead of pink.
    • Other things are reused from Wuzzleburg, such as the art museum and the actual entrance to the town.
  • This episode premiered on the same date in Germany as Tooth or Dare/Moo Moo's Snoozity Snooze premiered in the US.
  • According to The Wubblog, the original title for this episode was "Plaidville or Bust" . The original plot involved the trio going to the town to visit a cousin of Wubby/Wubbzy.


  • When the plaid driver fixes his hat when he introduces himself, his hand is still on the steering wheel.
  • On Noggin/Nick Jr. airings of this episode along with its sister episode, the yellow colors looked a bit pale (noticeably Wubbzy himself being pale), mainly due to compression issues, this first happened in airings of Wubbzy Bounces Back!/Dash for Dolly, Watch the Birdie/Wubbzy Tells a Whopper, and The Snow Shoo Shoo/Pirate Treasure. This is also the final time for this to happen.
    • However on DVD prints and widescreen prints of this episode, the colors has been fixed.