
Gotta Dance is a Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! episode from season one.

Characters Present[]

Main characters []

Other characters[]



When Widget sees Buggy, Huggy, and Earl ballet dancing, she wants to give it a try.


Coming soon!


See: Gotta Dance/Transcript


Gotta Dance/Images


Walden: Certainly, Widget. I have plenty of books about dancing. Tap dancing...*Tapping* snap dancing... *Snapping* break dancing... shake dancing... belly dancing... ballet dancing.


Wubbzy: You just have to take some dancing lessons.

Walden: Wubbzy's right. You can't just turn on a switch and start dancing.

Widget: *Gasps* Maybe I can.


Widget: Okay, Wubbzy! Turn it off! Turn it off!!

Wubbzy: You're supposed to say "stop"!


Madame Zabinga: All you need are some dance lessons.

Wubbzy: I told you so.


Madame Zabinga: Plie!

Widget: *Poses and rips pants* ... Uh-oh. *Smiles, tiptoes offscreen*

Post-Show Skit[]

The short, "The Wubbzy Wiggle", is played.

Name in other languages[]

  • French: Woutie, reine de la piste.
  • German: Jeder kann tanzen
  • Portuguese (Brazil): Vamos dançar! ("Let's dance!")
  • Portuguese (Portugal): Ticha a Bailarina ("Widget the Ballerina")
  • Spanish (Latin America): A bailar! ("Time to dance!")
  • Spanish (Spain): Ganas de bailar


  • Moral: Practice makes perfect.
  • This episode title was a reference of the Paul McCartney song, "Gotta Sing, Gotta Dance" from the James Paul McCartney TV special.
  • This is the fourth time Wubbzy acts as a supporting character in an episode, the first being Goo Goo Grief!, the second being Perfecto Party, and the third being Mr. Cool.
  • The end of this episode is a reference to the SpongeBob SquarePants episode, "Ripped Pants" because Widget ripped her overalls while trying to do a ballet move at Madame Zabinga's ballet school.
  • In this episode, Widget wasn't doing too good at ballet but she is also seen doing ballet in the short after this episode called, The Wubbzy Wiggle but she was doing better in that short.