My Wubbzy Collection - Part 2
Hello everybody! This is part 2 of my Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! collection.
If you haven't seen part 1, click here.
Anyways, let's continue!
- Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!: Attack of the 50-foot Fleegle
I only have the cartridge of this game, not the VSmile console.
- Wubbzy's Wild Ride
- The Kooky Kickity-Kick Ball
- The Ghost of Wuzzleburg
- Wubbzy and the Wubb Girlz
- The Art of Wubbzy (I have the second edition)
- Wubbzy's School Surprise! (I'll order it very soon)
Well, that's about it for my Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! collection.
If I get any other Wubbzy merch, I will update this blog post. (along with part 1)
I hope you enjoyed this blog, and I'll see you next time!
My Wubbzy Collection - Part 1
Hello everybody! In this blog, I will be talking about my Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! collection.
I thought it would've been pretty interesting to you all if I tell you my Wubbzy collection, so here we are!
And yes, this is part 1 of my collection, so more parts will be coming soon.
Soon, I’ll have every DVD of this show!
- A Tale Of Tails
- A Little Help From My Friends (I'll order it very soon)
- Wubbzy's Big Movie! (I'll order it very soon)
- Wubbzy Goes Boo!
- Pirate Treasure
- Wubb Idol (I'll order it very soon)
- Wubbzy's Christmas Adventure
- Go For Gold!
- Wubbzy Goes Green
- Escape From Dino Island
- Wubbzy Goes to School
- Fly Us to the Moon
- Wubbzy Be Mine (I have the second cover)
- Wubbzy's Egg-Cellent Easter
- Wubbzy Saves the Day
- Wubbzy and the Fire Engine
- The Wubb Club
- A Wuzzleburg …
Songs that fit episodes of The Amazing World of Gumball
- Pet Party - The Puppy
- Mr. Cool - The Nemesis
- Imagine - The Box
- That's What Friends Are For - The Third
- Magic - The Sorcerer
- Wait - The Line
- Made By You (Make It Yourself) - The Tape
- Don't Lie - The Skull, The Move, The Lie, The Stories
- Treasure - The Treasure
- Be Happy - The Joy, The Gripes, The Downer
- We're All Together (But We're Not the Same) - The Extras, The Others
- By the Book - The List
- Love Is All Around - The Love
- Holiday Light - Christmas
- Home - The Sale
- Wake Up - The Night
- You Are You - The Name
- Different People - The Nobody, The Anybody
- New Kid - The Guy, The Understanding
- Halloween Night - Halloween, The Scam, The Ghouls
- I Love You - The Bros, The Romantic, The Matchmaker, The Ex
- Birthday Birthday - The Gift
- Hero - The Comic
- Don't Give Up - The Pony
- Be…
The new Latin American Spanish Title Cards
A lot more of the Latin American Spanish title cards were found so I am adding them all here
Does anyone have any of the OSTs from the show? I'm not talking about any of the songs, I'm talking about some of the background music during the episodes. Like, for example, the theme that plays when it shows Widget or Walden's house.
Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!
Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! is an American Animated Series created by Bob Boyle. This show had 2 seasons and it's about a yellow creature named Wubbzy and his best friends Widget and Walden and in season 2, Daizy. Wubbzy often has problems and he gets help from his friends. This show teaches preschoolers about honesty, tolerance, fairness and cooperation while having silly fun. It aired on Nickelodeon and Nick Jr. in the United States.
Wow Plush Wubbzy
Link to Episode 2:
Widget! You broke the phone!
Why is Old Lady Zamboni orange in this picture?
I have a theory that a side effect of the Fizzy Wizzy Juice is that it turns your skin orange because the juice has appeared to have turned Old Lady Zamboni orange, or maybe Old Lady Zamboni was so sad about the bottles that her skin somehow turned orange for no absolute reason at all.
I feel as if the Wubbzy UK dub search will have to end.
The search has been left abandoned since October, and all searches and findings on the Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! UK dub have ended. It is one of the lost dubs that unfortunately, will never be fully found. All High-Profile Investigators, have done everything they could to continue finding more of the dub. Sadly, all came to no avail. Guess we’ll never find the Season 2 UK dub, and we’ll never get to hear Daizy’s UK voice clearly. The search for this dub has gone nowhere for the past few months. If you think we should give up on the search and end it, let me know so I can post an update. I doubt we will even find the dub, considering the most recent news was from October 2021. Nothing new in 2022.
I had to use a VPN... Please give me *one* more chance.
I'm sorry i had to make another Blog post, but nobody readed the 1st one. You might say "Dude you are banned forever. Accept it.". But listen, as i said, i *promise* i will *NEVER* commit my mistakes again. Just give me at least *ONE* more chance. Just one. Please. If i break them again, i promise i'll let you ban me forever and i'll never come back. Please just give me at least *one* more chance! Sorry if this gets annoying.
I'm sorry! Please unban me!
Hello, you may know me as DokiPolvinaAndFishtronaut. I once joined the Wow! Wow! Discord server, and got banned. Let me explain:
I never posted any NSFW images or sweared. I did talk about maybe NSFW topics, but never sent any images. I only talked about potentially NSFW topics. For that, i am sorry. I did once say "dammit" but nothing worse than that. As i said, i promise i will never do those things again, and i'm sorry. Please unban and forgive me! I promise i will never do them again!
"Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! The Movie"
To follow up on my transcripts post (which I decided to make a Finished transcripts and an Unfinished one), I want to talk about an idea I made on my own wiki (, which is a movie based on Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! to be released on Paramount+ on March 12, 2021 (Let's assume that Starz [the current owners] sold the show's rights to Princess Pictures [my fan-made company], who sold the film rights to Paramount).
I initially made several premises for this fan-made feature film, but the Bureaucrat, SuKanzoo was pretty picky about it, knowing more about Wubbzy than I ever could. Now with no plot and no soundtrack to accompany it, I'm wondering if all you guys have some ideas regarding what th…
Recently, I saw that many transcript pages on this wiki are either empty with nothing on it or are incomplete with inconsistencies galore. Take for example, compare the transcript page for A Tale of Tails to the page for Who's That Girl? It's a stark contrast. Now there are two things I think could solve this issue:
- Complete any incomplete transcript pages by watching the episode first and gathering all you know.
- Make two categories for these pages (one for completed ones and another one for incomplete ones).
If any of you guys do any method, I'm fine with that. Please let me know if you're currently working on this situation, it would really mean a lot to me and my contributions to this wiki. Thank you. - MakoFTW
so,you came here so you can just hi eh well m8 anyway welcome to my blog page where you can say hi anytime stay safe :D
Arabization of names in the Arabic Dub - Explained
Hello, before I start, allow me to introduce myself, I am Abdullah Almarri, I'm 17 years old and I first watched the Arabic dub when I was about 8-10 years old, as many of you may already know, the Arabic dub of Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! is the only International dub that doesn't use the original character names but rather renaming them, using names such as "فرحان", "نابغ", "وردة" and so on, the reason of this is rather simple, the show was dubbed in Egypt, and back then, they were using a method called Arabization when it comes to dubbing, in which they change many of the non-Arabic names into Arabic ones, using various kinds of words and names to rename the characters, in fact, there are many shows that were dubbed in Egypt, and these dubs have …
Lost UK Dubs
Hello Everyone! I just have a quick announcement to make... I live in the UK and I can find some of the lost UK Dubs of Wubbzy in some of my archives. They might not be in high quality but I will upload them to Google Drive as soon as I find most of the archives! Thanks for your cooperation! ~Audrey!
Why do you block me if I am not spamming?
Fandom admins, why do you block my IP address if I am not spamming? Those blocks are your fault, and I hate your blocks because I can't wait too long, I need you to stop blocking me! >:(
Creating the Wuzzleburg Ideas
Bob Boyle: So uh, Wuzzleburg is a small town with any kinds of living creatures, uh, big and small. And even um, puddles.
Wubbzy: It must've rained last night.
Mopsy, Flopsy and Ted (I just found it somewhere)
Hi, this may be the only contribution to the wiki I'd ever do, but yeah. I'm a fan of Wow! Wow! Wubbzy, and I was searching up "Flopsy, Mopsy, and Ted" just to find some fan art. But then I found this whole book. I'm pretty sure some (if not most) of the people reading this wiki even knew "The Tail of Flopsy, Mopsy, and Ted ," but one day I encountered a virtual book called "Mopsy, Flopsy, and Ted." What seperated this book from the rough sketch was that it was more similar to "A Tale of Tails " and had the characters looked quite like their fnalized designs. I don't realy know if it even deserves a page on the wiki. Oh well, here are some photos.
Link to Scribd for the book:
I will be uploading transcripts and pictures of the episodes from S1 I unfortunently wont be able to do S2 because i dont have these episodes I only have Wubbzy's Big Move/Who's That Girl and Meet The Wuzzles/Wubbzy and the Sparkle Stone But i do have most of Season 1 I hope you can understand
New themes added!!!!!! (Gadgets extension)
Today we have created totally new themes to add on Wubbzypedia. You can add these themes to your liking in the preferences, selecting the "Gadgets" section and using a theme. I recommend using only one theme at a time, that way you don't fill the CSS so much that you see.
These are the themes we have:
- Widget Theme
- Walden Theme
- Daizy Theme
- Kooky Theme
- Wubb Girlz Theme
Enjoy them as long as you want!
The new features you see and my plans
Hello :) As you have seen, I am a new administrator of Wubbzypedia, and, thanks to me, you see those big changes either in Wiki Activity or in the pages of the articles, with the infoboxes. Since I came here and saw that the community of my favorite big series needed help, I started editing, for example, putting videos in other languages of the songs, correcting code errors in the articles, or putting valuable information that was previously erased . I entered the XML code for portable infoboxes, and now, you see that the wiki is more pleasant (I think that's why the views increased) (I know that the wiki has other missing parts).
Some of the plans I want to make are:
- Make more infoboxes for the other articles (you knew that when you create a new wi…
Hello there!
I am so happy to be joining Wubbzypedia! Grew up with this show when I was 8 and a half, now I'm 21 and I'm still a big fan to this day! I joined this site back on July 15th, 2018 (almost a year ago) and I joined the Wubbzy Discord channel in September 2018! I am also on the spectrum. Please feel free to follow me on Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube, Soundcloud and Facebook! Twitter and Tumblr I no longer use.
Best Friends Forever!
I'm the second person to earn the "Best Friends Forever!" Badge! Contributing to the wiki every day for 365 days! I also earned the contributing to the wiki every day for 365 days badge on 2 other wikis this same day! XD
Why is this wiki barely noticed?
This wiki... is AWESOME! And there’s barely anyone active on it. Some people are, but it’s like, 10 or less people active every week.
I want this wiki to be noticed.
But not TOO noticed, because... reasons
Fan-made season 3?
I think that there should be a season 3, but fan made. Who wants to help me? This project will probably get tossed in the trash but I will try! I will voice act everyone and animate until I find people who can help me.
- Wiki Cat :3
Note: this is unfinished
Edit: this project was cancelled since SuKanzoo is making a Wubbzy Dream thing.
I love wow wow wubbzy games
Wubbzy's amazing adventure, Widget's build a robot, and Wubbzy Gardening are my favorite Wow Wow Wubbzy games
Did you know that Wubbzy technically DID return?
There's a YouTube channel named 'Fredbot' and they uploaded most of the shorts and songs from 'Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!'. On later videos, there were a few nursery rhyme crossovers with Lucy the Dinosaur he was in. On a couple of them, he was a baker making goods for characters. These aren't big and actual Wubbzy materials, and it's too bad that the channel's been inactive for a while, but it's nice they brung him back for something fitting for him.
Wubbzypedia is not dead! (September 2014 update)
Wow wow, Wubbzy fans! (or whoever's reading this post.)
Well... this wiki is a ghost town, right? Well, this blog says so, and... NOT.
So, it's now September 2014 and the wiki (and the whole Wubbzy community) has become nothing but a desert, that not even a spammer wants to spam on. Yes, that is true, but doesn't this beginning just seem like it's taking the above, and stretching it up? OK, so enough. Let's move on...
In recent Wubbzy news, there has been nothing to report. However, here's a little bit of old news (never could post at the time), but our classic snack, the Doodleberry made it into the Fantasy Food Battle! However, we easily lost to all our other competitors with only about 80+ votes, but...
If only there was another competition…
Adopting the wiki
Wow wow, Wubbzy fans!
Have you heard? I have plans to adopt this wiki.
So, do you want a better wiki? Do you want zero percent spam, and one hundred percent true? Do you want awesome, new wiki features to toy around with? Do you want a more connected wiki? Do you want many more people to contribute along with us? Do you want... everything awesome?!
First, I am going to discuss my outlook on the wiki. You stumble across some spam left by users? Well, I will sure wipe that up, as I can successfully take on spam (not fully, for now), as seen in this article. I have done a pretty stellar job at fixing grammar and cleaning the wiki up as well, with my hard work on the Earl page.
It sure may not be a lot, but you can just take a look at my contributio…
Breaking news: Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! has been removed from Nick Jr. again.
Hello, Wubbzy fans!
I have an important thing for you all to see, and an update to Wubbfan's blog post, written back in September.
Here goes!
When I checked my cable guide last night, Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! was nowhere to be seen. Not even throughout the whole week, and the day. Not even on weekends. (I believe that this change happened over the weekend) In its place, Peppa Pig now airs (it airs in the daytime way) in its place. As a matter of fact, everything else is intact, but it has just seemed like the Wubbzy universe has died out. Bye!
The:Real:Battery:Mill 20:45, February 26, 2014 (UTC)
The truth about Season 3
Hello, Wubbzy fans!
Today, I want to tell you the whole thing behind Season 3, as explained by WuzzleWuzzle on YouTube.
Let's begin!
Alright, so you know, as of 2014, there is still no Season 3. You may be asking, why? Well, it's because the production team never ordered a Season 3, possibly due to a lack of funds (but I'm not exactly here to start support towards Season 3, but it still can be), as stated in an edit to the Wikipedia article a while ago (Note: This is not the edit in which the status was displayed, you may have to go back with the history). Well, here's a little conversation on YT explaining you all that:
WuzzleWuzzle replying to Talor9298's comment (part only):
"FYI: Do NOT believe the "season 3 episode guide" on Wikipedia. Total…
Wubbzy's on air again! (Around midnight, though.)
Hey everyone!
I thought Wubbzy had been completely canceled because I did a search for "Wubbzy" on my AT&T U-Verse search tool, and nothing had come up. It has not been aired on Nick Jr for a long time.
Still, I had already set it to record Wubbzy any day that it comes on. Today, I went on the DVR to see the recordings, and I saw that Wubbzy had aired again! It was around midnight, though, so it's only worth setting the DVR to capture.
Anyway, I came to check in on how things around the site have been doing, cleaned up a few pages, and thought I'd let you all know of my discovery. Thanks to all who have been contributing to this site! (Except for the vandals, of course.)
If some weird page shows up that doesn't make sense, you can notify me by…
What's With This?
I've been hearing "Yo Dis **** Be So Nice" around this wiki. What's going on? Are the vandals on strike? Tell me what's going on!